Surat al Fatihah is the Opening of the Quran and known as the Mother of the Quran. This Surah which was revealed in the Makkah (Period of revelation) was not the first of revelation. So why did Allah choose for this to be the Opening Surah of the Quran and why is it so Significant?
Allah begins this verse because the key to the heart. The Most significant lesson that we will derive from this Surat comes from the first Ayah:
All Praise is due to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds.

Allah found it only befitting that this Book, the final revelation should begin with acknowledging the Lord of the worlds, showing Him eternal gratitude. In this is a lesson for the happiness of all humans.
Modern scientists are raving about the benefits of gratitude and how it gives you a dopamine hit, which causes you to feel happy. Sounds great and it’s actually very interesting that you experience this chemical reaction when you’re grateful. However, Allah the Most High is the one that created us and pointed us to gratitude long before any Neuroscientist came along with this explanation of happiness.
Surah Al Fatihah is so important for many reasons, but most of all its practical benefits have a direct effect on the happiness of any and every person. Gratitude is a key that opens up the heart to true happiness.

FREE 7 Day Course 21 Ways to Get Close to Allah Become the Best You with this Quranic guide
- Quranic guidance on Optimising Your Life
- Become the Best version of yourself this Month
- Learn how to deal with Problems with Confidence
Check out today’s video tutorial on Surat Al Fatihah if you haven’t already. It goes into the subject with a quick explanation with relevant context to your life today. No abstract lesson, just simple practical advice on how you can use this Surah to really transform your life.
The Mental state of being is everything. Muslims like all people struggle with unhappiness, chronic sadness and worse, chronic depression. Just like most diseases, mental and physical there is always an alternative medicine, often a natural cure without lots of side effects.
Happiness and purification of the Heart is much the same and Allah the Most Compassionate, teaches us some great lessons in this Surat.
Don’t forget it is called the Mother of the Quran for this very reason, or at least this is one of them. The Mother is a significant, central figure in the life of a family unit. She takes care of the most essential roles in the family unit and by extension the society.
Just like that Surah Al Fatihah is the central theme of the Quran, the most important lesson are contained in it. Much more than just gratitude. However, gratitude is one of the fundamental keys to the happiness of an individual and the general society.
If you can get this right, you have ninety percent of the job done. The mental battle is the greatest. You can face any challenge in life if you have a sound mind, peace, and clarity in your thinking. Whereas a mind constantly troubled with negativity, unhappiness and ingratitude are always struggling to find peace.
The worst thing about that is that no peace of mind means no happiness and no energy and zest for life. It becomes a negative spiral. The solution is simple, watch this video and insha’Allah take on the simple challenge in the class.
Try this challenge for 30 days, it will change you mind and in time your life insha’Allah. Watch the video for the challenge, simple but effective.
I’d be interested to hear how you get on after 30 days, in fact I’m so convinced you’ll love it, I’m waiting to hear back from you insha’Allah. Send me an email, let me know ?
Ok if you don’t know this is just one of the Quranic Journey Lite classes. If you’d like to watch the rest of the Videos and life hacks just enter your email to Sign up for the Quranic Journey Lite video series. I’ll send them to you by email insha’Allah.
I look forward to hearing from you insha’Allah.
- Don’t forget to start the Simple daily challenge from today’s video.

FREE 7 Day Course 21 Ways to Get Close to Allah Become the Best You with this Quranic guide
- Quranic guidance on Optimising Your Life
- Become the Best version of yourself this Month
- Learn how to deal with Problems with Confidence