Reprograming your mind isn’t what you think it is. In this weeks muslim life coach series we look at whether this is even possible.
What does it actually mean and what is a real way to deal with emotional challenges. The science of the Nafs (Self) is a Quranic psychology and spirtuality rolled into one, with a single purpose to solve the challenges of the mind.
If you are interested in taking ownership and control of your mind, this coaching lesson will be very useful inshaAllah. Check it out 🙂
Are you on an Emotional roller coaster and on edge constantly?
This is something too many of us struggle with The causes we cover in this address what it is that causes the bulk of the problems we face in our relationships in the world.
IMPORTANT… If this Life Coaching podcast helps you and you want to go through a program to change your relationships and life permanently check out this program, it might change your life for ever.
Have a great day, you can do this 😊.

FREE 7 Day Course 21 Ways to Get Close to Allah Become the Best You with this Quranic guide
- Quranic guidance on Optimising Your Life
- Become the Best version of yourself this Month
- Learn how to deal with Problems with Confidence