If you’ve ever felt like you are disconnected from Allah, and you really want to get closer to Allah, and feel like you have a connection with your creator, that Allah loves you, then in this article we discuss the best ways that you can create a connection with your creator where you will feel as though you are becoming closer and closer to Allah as the days go by. So what can you do today to get closer to Allah? Allah tells us in the Quran where he says: “If you truly love Allah then follow me (the Prophet) and He will love you” Surah Aali-Imran. In this statement Allah answers the question very clearly with the following:
- You need to create a relationship of Love and connection with your Creator, with Allah.
- Follow the Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him)
- and in return for that Allah will love you and forgive you your sins
This is the easiest way to create that feeling of closeness to The Allah and feel more connected !

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How to create a Loving Connection with Allah
In order to understand what this means let’s take a look at the most intensely loving relationship that we all have as human beings. Probably the greatest relationship with the most intensely loving connection that we will have is with our parents, or more specifically with our mothers. Now the relationship you have with your mother is the way it is because you feel safe and secure with your mother. Your mother takes care of your needs, so you depend on you’re here. The first thing to recognise is that we acknowledge and appreciate all of the things that our mothers do for us You see, when you recognise all of the blessings that you have because of your mother, all the things that she does for you, it makes you feel loved by her and then you appreciate and love her in return. And so when you appreciate her, you want to please her. So, to please her you’ll do the things that you know she loves. So, you may hug her, buying her gifts, spend time talking to her or anything else that you know she loves. All for her approval and to show her you love her You sure wouldn’t do the things that she hates, angers or upsets her. We like to make her feel as though we’re returning her love. You see, we like to reciprocate love. We like to give back because we recognise that we were getting it first. I want you to think about anyone else in your life, with whom you have a great relationship where you feel as though they love you and you love them, and you do a lot to try and please them. Isn’t it a reciprocal relationship? meaning that you appreciate what they do for you or how they make you feel, and so, as a result, you give back by doing the things that you feel will please them. How do you know it will please them? because you know that this is what they want. The important thing to understand here is “The reciprocation of love and appreciation”. It goes around in circles, meaning that I give love and I get love. Simple! Now you probably wondering why we’re talking about relationships or a Loving Connection? The answer to this is that Allah tells us explicitly in this verse how to show your Love for Allah. Allah informs us in this verse that If you truly love Allah, then follow the Messenger. You see Allah commanded the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, to say this to humanity. If we truly love Allah and we want to show that love, then we are to follow the Messenger of Allah. By following the Messenger of Allah or in other words follow the Sunnah, Allah will love you. That’s all it takes. So you show your love towards Allah, by doing the thing pleases Allah. Follow His Messenger. First we need to recognise that we have been blessed in a lives, as Allah is giving us all of the blessings that we have in our lives, our physical health, wealth, relationships, the jobs that we have, all the opportunities that we enjoy and of not to forget the security and safety that we enjoy. Anything that you see in a positive light in your life is a blessing, and to recognise that Allah has given it to you will automatically make you feel as though you are loved. And when you feel as though Allah loves you, you will want to reciprocate that love. So if you truly love, then follow and implement the Sunnah of the Prophet into your life, that’s how to grow your love for Allah. This love has to be nurtured and practiced.
How to Follow the Messenger of Allah
Love of Allah leads us naturally to follow in the example of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. You see Allah is telling us clearly that, if we were to follow the best of examples and try to emulate and model the Prophet, then we would become the very manifestation of that love that we are seeking ourselves. But we want the love of Allah, we want to feel as though we are getting closer to Allah, day by day. But how is it that we can do that in a really quick and efficient way, where you feel the progress day-to-day? And the simple answer is to copy the Messenger of Allah because he is the representative of the message of Allah in this life. In life, the Messenger of Allah is the best of examples and he lived in a way that was the most pleasing to Allah. So if we want to feel as though we are living a life that is pleasing to Allah, then what better way to live than to follow and emulate the Messenger of Allah. Modeling his life is the guaranteed way of living in complete harmony with the desires of the creator of the heavens and earth. If you want to get the best out of life then model those who succeeded before us. And who better to model, than the Messenger of God himself (peace be upon him). I want to point out here that the Arabic verse. If you truly love Allah then follow me, this is a conditional sentence. This is a sentence like “if you want to win, then play the game”. Because if you don’t play the game. You can’t win. So if you want to attain that closeness to Allah, feel the love of the creator on a day-to-day basis in your life, then what you have to do is make the Messenger of Allah your role model in life. I don’t think anyone would disagree with the fact that if we were to behave and live like the Messenger of Allah, that would attain for us the best possible outcomes in life and the hereafter. The message of Allah was sent to humanity in order to show them what is pleasing to Allah, and show them how best to live their lives. Let me give you a couple of simple ways that the Prophet of Allah spent his life in trying to please Allah.:
- He(peace and blessings be upon him) spent most of his days thinking about Allah. What we call remembrance of Allah or Dhikr.
- He the Messenger of Allah spent his days and nights worshipping Allah because that’s what pleases Allah and that is why we were created.
When Allah Loves You and Forgives You
If you do these things, then Allah is telling you that he will love you and as a result, Allah will forgive you your sins. Forgiveness is what wipes our slates clean. It’s what makes us feel as though we are gaining closeness to Allah. Allah is telling us directly that if you show your love towards Allah by worshipping him, by thinking about him, by making Dhikr, and follow in the best of examples, the example of the Prophet (peace be upon him), then Allah will show you the love that you deserve, the love that you are desiring and give you the closeness that you want to attain with Allah. Do you feel that connection of Allah, feel that closeness to God? We all want to feel this way us, humans. The human being has been created to be connected to the creator and when we are not connected, we feel a loss, we feel something is missing in our lives… And the reason for that is simple. We were created to be connected to our Creator and when we lose that connection, we feel as though there is the very fundamental connection missing our lives. Even if your mother loves you, even if your family members or your friends love you, that disconnection from the greatest love that you could ever receive, the love of the Creator that cannot be filled with an alternative. Nothing can replace the love of Allah in your life but I believe that we can all achieve this. You can achieve this insha’Allah. If you don’t feel as though you’ve had that connection with the Creator, and you really want to create that relationship and closeness with Allah. It will help you feel more safe, more secure, more loved and closer to Allah. All you have to do is show your appreciation towards Allah first, show your love for Allah by appreciating all that you have in your life, and then follow in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. And if you do that, then Allah will love you and the greatest love that you can ever receive will come to you beyond any imagination. It will be more than you can ever imagine. And as a result of that, you will have that tranquillity, the serenity of your heart where you find peace in this world. You could be in the middle of a storm. But if you have the love of Allah, that connection with the creator, then you will feel safe and secure. Regardless of that storm. I hope this article has been able to explain to you the fundamental need that we have and what it is, and how easy it can be to create that love of Allah. Don’t be disheartened by the past. The past is the past and it’s gone and it’s never coming back. But today, you can create whatever you want, and you can create that relationship with the creator insha’Allah.

FREE 7 Day Course 21 Ways to Get Close to Allah Become the Best You with this Quranic guide
- Quranic guidance on Optimising Your Life
- Become the Best version of yourself this Month
- Learn how to deal with Problems with Confidence