Create a Deep Connection with Allah, understand how human Psychology and Physiology fits into Islam and you really want to become 100% certain about the way life truly is through Islamic Psychology based on the Quran & Sunnah, this program will be a Life Transformation for you insha’Allah.
I know of different approaches to Psychology and therapy but I struggle to understand how that fits into Islam? or you’re always wondering why Islam which is 100% complete does not include something so vital like mental health and well being.
I’m confident the way I understand life, and how I help people in my work really helps them, but I personally struggle to connect to Allah and feel spiritually connected.
I’ve watched lectures on purification of the soul and read books on it, but I still struggle myself from time to time with real lasting change, even though different techniques I’ve learnt along the way really help me to cope.
I feel like I struggle with my own mind and emotional ups and downs with Fear and Anxiety. I want to feel 100% confident and certain in my knowledge of Islam and how best to live and teach psychology / personal mastery so Allah is happy with me.
Even though I know all that I know, I still struggle to make the right decisions, procrastinate, and just struggle to take action, even after doing courses, taking advice and understanding your own psychology.
You understand that thought, meaning and interpretation are the problem, but the inner motor mouth (waswas) just won’t stop sabotaging you.
You are deeply committed to Allah and living for both Dunya and Akhira, and you don’t want to miss out on either, but you really struggle to get balance.
You want the freedom to have an Impact on the world and leave a legacy that serves you in the Akhira.
You want to feel like you’re serving Allah and helping humanity but you’re not confident that what you do is in line with the Quran and Sunnah or even helping you to serve your Purpose.
Asalamu alaikum
If ANY of the above makes sense to you, this program is going to interest you. But first let’s understand what ILMU-NAFS is.
‘ILMU NAFS’ is an Arabic term that loosely translates as Islamic Psychology, but literally it actually means ‘Knowledge of the Self’. This is the knowledge found within the Quran and Sunnah that guides us to mastery of the Nafs, which is Mastery of Life, psychological, physical and spiritual.
The Divine Principles of Personal & Professional Transformation
This training will not try to explain traditional psychology or even attempt to fit it into the Islam.
Instead the program which teach you ‘The Divine Principles of Islamic Psychology’ as is understood based on the Quranic understanding of the Human mind, body and Soul. For this reason we will refer to it as ILMU NAFS (knowledge of the self) and not Islamic Psychology.
Islam has been around for more than 1400 years and it is 100% complete with a psychological and physiological understanding of the human being.
Quranic revelation gave us a clear understanding of how we humans are built and what are the best ways to navigate life so that we can face any challenge, grow and become who we were created to be. We call this the process of Ihsan.
When going through your own development or helping your community and clients with their problems this will work 100% of the time inshaAllah.
Although the program is taught from the sources of Quran & Sunnah, it is not exclusive to Muslims. Rather this is the science of human existence and well-being, so it is universal for all of humanity.
That means people from all walks of life will benefit from this Universal Divine Principles of ILMU NAFS.
If I haven’t made it clear yet, THIS WILL CHANGE YOU LIFE FOREVER and give you breakthroughs you’ve probably been making Dua for insha’Allah.
Gaining your own grounding in the Islamic Psychology model through the Quran. This alone will change your life forever insha’Allah. Create peace of mind, confidence and emotional resilience for daily life.
You know you have a greater purpose, Allah created your with such potential. In this module you will learn how to have the greatest impact on others in your world. Learn how to take this into your workplace and transform the lives of others.
How to set yourself up so that you can make a Living and becoming prosperous while serving Allah and the world. Learn the lost art of Soul-to-Soul Sales and Marketing. Learn how to setup your own practice and do the work you love and get paid for it.
Confidence, Welbeing, Purpose, Action, Motivation all comes from your Own Personal Connection.
Learn how to develop your thinking through Quranic mindset training so you can eliminate the negative cycle of thoughts that so many people face.
Learning to ‘not react’ when it counts is crucial to good relationships and peace of mind. Being able to manage your own emotions and sharing that in your work is life changing without any exaggeration.
Be connected to your Mentor so you get personal mentoring and accountability.
Once you go through your own personal transformation you will have the tools to help anyone with their challenges based on the Quranic understanding of life.
This can’t be explained here, but you’ll know it when you feel it insha’Allah. This will be based on nurturing your Connection with Allah. It’s not as hard as you think.
You’re are ready to live your potential and make a difference in the lives of others but just need a Simple Success Blueprint that works 100% of the time.
You realise there’s something you’re missing and your ready to find your answers and get the missing link.
You have a Passion for helping people and already a Coach, Consultant, Therapist, Heart-centred worker OR you’d LOVE to become one,
You’re ready to Learn a method of Coaching that will work for anyone and is based on Divine Principles of Quran and Sunnah.
You want to succeed at Dunya & Akhira without being overwhelmed by how much you have to do.
You want to invest in your Connection to the Quran, and you want to learn iLife Mastery Principles so that you can help people in your personal and professional work life.
You want to earn a living doing something you Love and feel like your work helps you with your Purpose in life.
Most importantly you want to feel Close to Allah and feel connected and feel confident that your life’s not just empty rituals.
Islamic Psychology
This is where your foundation is built. We will travel through the Quran to understand how the human psychology and physiology is to be understood. When you understand this knowledge, you will know the simplest and most effective way to understand human behaviour and how to bring about lasting change according to the Designer of Life.
This is knowledge of both physical and metaphysical in nature. It will complete the incomplete picture that humanity has pieced together. Knowing and understanding how Allah designed you will help you to stop going against the grain.
It will help you to stop struggling and find a simple way to circumvent the challenges people face in day to day life.
If you suffer or know of people who suffer from excessive mental chat, constant thinking and over analysing of everything in life, this will show you how to stop that negative drain on your energy and life.
Truly understanding the nature of your Soul will help you to work towards a natural balance in life and connect to the Al-Mighty Creator of Life.
Some of the Benefits of this:
~ Get Clarity of Mind
~ Create Emotional Stability
~ Eliminate Self Doubt
~ Eliminate Self Sabotage
~ Create true Inner Confidence
~ Clear away habitual thinking & limiting beliefs
~ Create the Motivation you need
~ Learn how to Rely on yourself
~ Deal with Loneliness
~ Fear of Death or desire for it
~ Create Momentum in getting things done
~ Stop battling with yourself
~ Become who you are inspired to be
~ Have impact in your relationships
~ Build relationships that make you happy
~ Get over the past
~ Stop fear from dictating your life
Interpersonal Change
Having impact on the world, the Ummah and all those you encounter in life is the key to your legacy. If you want to have an impact on those around you, you need to be impacted yourself. The greatest impact you will ever have on someone else is going to depend on having your deep inner confidence and certainty about what you are sharing. This is the realisation and learnt model, but there is mastery of skills that are also required for you to have life transforming impact on the lives of others.
In this portion of the program you will be mentored and coached on how to come from that place of deep inner confidence and certainty. How to coach from the Soul to Soul method, where you not only understand exactly what is going on with those you’re helping, but also mastering the skills of coaching and mentoring yourself so that you can completely uncover the deepest barriers to change.
People often don’t know what is really going on with themselves, and here’s where the Quranic journey will help you to help them uncover the truth. No set of techniques can help to alleviate this except for Divine intervention. You will learn how to facilitate that WITHOUT making people live through the traumatic memories.
You will learn that Allah doesn’t expect you to dig up all of those old memories in order to unlock the problems people are facing. There’s a much simpler way insha’Allah.
Some of the Side Affects of this:
~ Become an ILM NAFS specialist, facilitator or Coach
~ Build Resilience, Confidence and Motivation
~ Build Life time relationships with clients who become raving fans
~ Put yourself ‘Out there’ without fear of criticism
~ Achieve Goal after Goal effortlessly without fear of failure
~ Create a bank account for the Dunya and Akhira whilst having fun
~ Eliminate fear of working with Groups of people
~ Become certain you can Serve people with TRUE lasting transformation
~ Become confident in Serving both faith and non-faith based communities
~ Learn how to leave your footprints on this earth and impact others forever
Win-Win Commercial
The final transformation will be your commercial transformation where you learn how to unlock the hidden money traps in your life. This is the part where you learn to become the value in your world, where everyone wants to work with you.
You see most of us have been educated and moulded into the job world, being an employee or consultant where we are paid for our time. You will learn how to really live in a world of abundance and break away those glass ceilings holding you back from your potential.
All your limited money beliefs cleared away you’ll start to become the commercial master you know you can be, albeit from a place of service and love and not from a place of neediness.
All of those fears around sales, visibility, audience will be unblocked clearing the way for true abundance in your life.
You will learn how to create a business where you flourish as well as your clients. It’s a win-win relationship where no one loses.
Some of the Side affects of this module:
~ Become / Grow your visibility
~ Find the perfect clients
~ Become the go-to trusted Advisor
~ Get clear on Pricing & packages that work for you and your clients
~ Learn how to Enrol clients from a place of Service and Love
~ Eliminate self-sabotage and fear around Selling
~ Operate from a Coaching Package model instead of Hourly fees
~ Become a thriving Coach and Love it
All subjects are studies on an ongoing basis through out the year. Subjects will be taught at a theory level and practiced for a mastery level.
Understand the way humans work 100% of the time so that your Soul, Heart and Mind can combine to support the flow of life with ease, alleviate the constant struggles and become the most connected you’ve ever been to Allah.
Align with your Unique purpose in life. Life isn’t just a set of rituals and belongings. In this you will learn how to make your life count so you succeed in the Dunya as well as the Akhira without having an overwhelming life.
The fundamental nature of Success is that we feel like we have achieved our true potential. This part of the course is all about having an impact in the world and creating a legacy that you truly are happy with and beyond the physical possession we all strive for. It’s all that will matter to you at the end of your life.
Feeling abundance in life is a crucial element that we all struggle with, rich or poor. No matter how much we have it never seems to satisfy us. So in this part we will focus on ‘Getting More’ and ‘Serving Allah’ at the same time. A real Win-Win so that you can have both and succeed at the highest level.
You will learn how to become the best Coach you can be, so that your impact as a Parent, a Friend, a Colleague, a Mentor, a Change Worker or Therapist is exponentially transformed. Through out the entire program you will learn how to create impact in the lives of others just by your presence.
Just incase you don’t know me very well, I’m Abdul Shahid and I’ve been running the Quranic Connection Academy for over 5 years now.
One thing I realised whilst teaching hundreds of students over the years, is that knowledge isn’t always enough. People actually need mentoring and coaching to help them to actually see it in their lives and support in living according to it.
My own background is that I’ve been on this journey for both personal and commercial transformation for over 20 years.
With 20 years of working in Consultancy Business building, Marketing and Sales, I have gleaned an all-round experience of building businesses from the ground up. In this journey I’ve trained many professionals on how to build and nurture business relationships.
In my own personal Journey I have spent the last 18 years seeking knowledge, teaching and mentoring individuals like yourself. Having travelled and lived in Egypt and Saudi Arabia where I learned through the Islamic seminary of Al Azhar. On return to the UK I founded the Quranic Connection Academy (originally known as Al-Fatihah Institute).
On top of this I have training in different Self development philosophies, Three Principles/ InsideOut, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Coaching & Facilitator training.
So the ILMU NAFS Divine Principles program is an amalgamation of all of the knowledge and experience to date.
Look it sounds complicated, but truth be told it’s SIMPLE.
– Weekly Mentoring & Coaching Session – During this session you will learn the practice of the principles in action, in every area of life. During the academic year you will learn through practice, NO LECTURES. This is through learning material, observation and personal coaching.
– 4X Weekend Training Sessions to be held through the year – You will join 4 Live Weekend training sessions where you cover the curriculum as described above.
– 1-to-1 Coaching & Mentoring – Unlock all of your personal blocks that have been preventing you in any area of your life. Have you own personal mentor and support coach to help you achieve results that so far have felt unattainable for whatever reason.
Enrolment for Jan/Feb 2020 OPEN
Enrolment for the program is now open
There are only 10 Places Available on the Ilmu-Nafs Certification Training program. Places are LIMITED.
If you would like to find out more to see if this program suits you, Book a Consultation Call.
In this call you’ll find out more details on exactly what the full Blueprint is, How it can help you insha’Allah.
You may be wondering still and here are some common questions and answers.
If you still have Questions please book a call to discuss your questions or any queries you have.
Yes this is open to you in any part of the world. Coaching and Mentoring sessions are LIVE Online through our state of the art Video conferencing facilities.
Don’t worry, It’s super simple and works for everyone.
Yes you can join using the Mobile or Desktop App that we’ll provide you access to. As long as you have internet you can join using any device.
Yes, you can have a monthly Payment plan so please book a call so that we can arrange a personalised payment plan for you.
Alternatively you can Pay in one payment and get a discounted fee.
Absolutely if that’s what you’re looking for. The Commercial transformation is based on building a business to help humanity and spread the knowledge and benefits. You’ll learn how to earn a living and even completely change your career if that’s what you really want.
Alternatively you might want to use these skills within your employment to open up new opportunities for you with your employer. There are always opportunities alhamdulilah.