Understand Quran – Learn Skills – Become Amazing
So for the last few days we’ve been talking about what Allah has planned for you and I as believers. The guidance of the Quran and Sunnah is supposed to be for practical living, to help us solve our challenges and become of the Mutaqun.
This program is all about beginning that journey.
So I’m excited to inform you that this Ramadan we will be starting the New Quranic Journey program. This has been in the planning for years and finally by the grace and mercy of Allah (swt) we will be starting it on the 1st Ramadan insha’Allah.
Today for a limited time we’re excited to announce a Special deal on the Quranic Journey Course. On the course you will get:
1) One Weekly Quranic Journey Video Class where we study the Quran, taking verse of the Quran page by page from the beginning. The Goal is to help you feel more Connected to the words of Allah by Understanding the Quran on a practical level so you can use it in your daily life. A real spiritual and personal development by connecting to the Quran.
2) One Weekly Life Mastery Class – This class will help you with personal growth and development according to the Quran & Sunnah and modern science. Insha’Allah it will help you to build positive success Mindset, indestructible confidence, life planning and goal setting skills, How to create successful relationships, how to overcome struggles in life and so much more.
This program is going to be the most comprehensive Quranic Life Mastery program you will find. So Here’s the Special Bonus that I’m including for you for only a Limited time as you’re a new subscriber to Quranicconnection.tv
BONUS #1 You get FREE 14 Day Access & LIMITED-TIME DISCOUNT £10 a month. This is only for new subscribers and only valid for a few days. Yes this price will be fixed for you for as long as you stay subscribed insha’Allah, you can cancel anytime.
BONUS #2 You also get a FREE Quranic Life Mastery Scheduler to help you manage the most important things in your life insha’Allah.
BONUS #3 You’ll get Priority Access to our New Motivation Classes to help you become more motivated and help you to take action when you need it the most insha’Allah.
I’m actually so excited because the very training that we’ll go through on this program has absolutely transformed my life Alhamdulilah. I’ve spent many £1000’s doing courses to learn this and only ever taught it to a small groups of students.
I believe it’s absolutely key to the success of every Muslim and insha’Allah plan to teach this over the coming year.
1) Click Here to sign up to the New Quranic Journey Course at Special Discount £8.99 a month.
2) Don’t forget the course will begin on the 1st of Ramadan so you’ll get access to your BONUS within your Members dashboard once you start insha’Allah.
OK…enough about that, I haven’t forgotten about our Classes for today. Insha’Allah we have some important lessons for today.
Todays subject includes:
1) How to Overcome test and trials in Life
2) How to Achieve Perfection in your Life and what you have to do
3) How to Get Motivated and Overcome whispers of the Shaytan
Don’t forget the classes are meant to be information, beginning of your education on the subject. Each class teaches a new skill, mindset and way to get around challenges.
Your role is to understand and learn the techniques as these are very powerful lesson. But don’t expect to just implement everything in one go. We will slowly work todays a gradual growth and change insha’Allah, until it becomes permanent for you ?
May Allah swt make you successful.
Jazak’Allahu khair
Ustadth Abdul Shahid
Quranic Connection Mentor
P.S. The Quranic Journey Offer with bonuses can only be available for a limited time, so make sure you don’t miss it! I only offer this to new subscribers, and you won’t see it again anytime soon. See you tomorrow!